Christine Kunnmann Recognized as Foodservice Hero by Food Management

Whitsons is proud to announce that District Manager, Christine Kunnmann, has been featured as one of Food Management’s Foodservice Heroes. With over 600 industry-wide nominations submitted to Food Management, Christine is one of 29 K-12 leaders recognized as a Foodservice Hero.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in 2020, Food Management has been highlighting and honoring members of the onsite foodservice community that have gone above and beyond the call of their stated duties to serve their customers, communities and fellow team members.

Christine was nominated by General Manager, Marie Lane, for her dedication to her team and customers.

“She is my district manager, and she goes above and beyond for her entire team 180 days of the year. She is available to us 24/7 and she makes what we do a lot easier and is always there to support us in whatever we need. She is what allows us to get the job done each and every day no matter what the struggle or success. We (her team) could not do what we do for all of the students we serve in all of the 22 school districts that she oversees/manages without her support. She brings out the very best in all of us and it shows in the quality and pride of all that we do each and every day. She is hands on, and I don't know how she manages to do all that she does each and every day in addition to always being there when we (the team) need her, and she needs to be recognized for all that she has done for us each and every day of every school year. She is a Whitsons Food Service Hero and we are so very blessed and lucky to work for her and Whitsons each and every day. We would not have it any other way.”

Congratulations, Christine! Keep up the great work! 

View the Food Management article.