Whitsons Community Blog Forum

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Please note: The opinions expressed in these blogs are strictly those of the authors and should not be construed as the opinions of Whitsons Culinary Group or any of its affiliates. All content and material contained in these blogs are provided for informational purposes only, and no representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.  It is general information that may not apply to you as an individual.  It is not medical advice and should not be treated as such.  You should not rely on the information in these blogs as a substitute for your own doctor’s medical care or advice. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

Gardens and Green Thumbs

Posted on March 14, 2022

I know it is hard to believe, but spring is on its way! With any luck, we will soon be shedding the heavy jackets, hats and gloves and welcoming days out in the sun. It’s also a perfect time to shift the kinds of foods we eat. Shaking things up with…

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Can’t Beat Beets

Posted on February 28, 2022

In this month's Harvest of the Month video, Executive Chef Rich Sandmann features a delicious Warm Beet Salad (along with some nutritious tips all about beets!)   When it comes to nutrient-dense root vegetables, you can’t beat beets! Its deep,…

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Let’s Share About Tooth Care

Posted on February 14, 2022

Did you know that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Created by The American Dental Association (ADA), this event is a month-long national health campaign designed to help promote the benefits of good oral health in children, as…

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How Prepared Is Your School For Its RFP Process?

Posted on February 2, 2022

The 2022-2023 school year will bring its share of challenges because of the continued Covid-19 pandemic, and schools nutrition programs are no exception. For many districts, a lot of change has occurred since they last went out for RFP (Request for…

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Oat-standing Oats!

Posted on January 24, 2022

Tony DiStefano, Whitsons' Director of Strategic Operations, shares his Harvest of the Month recipe, Easy Overnight Oats.   Oats are so much more than the traditional oatmeal you might associate them with; they are many different kinds to…

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Resolve to be Healthy as a Family

Posted on January 10, 2022

As we begin another year, why not make goals and resolutions a family affair? Having your family get involved in the positive changes you are looking to make will also serve as an important lesson on how to achieve goals in life. Here is a list of…

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Black Beans for the Win!

Posted on December 20, 2021

Executive Chef Brian Weidlich of Easton Public Schools, PA, has dished up an exciting Harvest of the Month recipe: a Quinoa Black Bean Sweet Potato Bowl. Delish!   When considering adding more plant-based proteins into your diet, black beans are…

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Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

Posted on December 13, 2021

With the holidays right around the corner, what better time than now to start thinking about gift giving ideas? Whether there’s a health pro in your life, someone new to fitness or someone in between, there’s something for everyone! Here are some…

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Cheers for Chickpeas

Posted on November 29, 2021

Whitsons' Chef Paul Miola shares his Harvest of the Month recipe, Bombay Chickpea Salad. Delish!!   Chickpeas are a wonderfully diverse legume, full of protein power and fiber. Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans as they are also known, are typically…

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